
love story 20-12-2012

I met a grade 9 student named STANLEY.
Actually, i don't even know him, we met at Human Chess class meeting.
First at all, he kept an eye on me, that makes me nervous! We look each other and I'm scare.
I have a feeling to wanna know him better, so I ask one of my friend, Helena. I ask Helena his name, and she said "His name is Stanley Aldovino Wu." What a long name! :))
Well, Helena gave me his blackberry pin number and i started to add him.
 #Day1 (17 December)
I saw he updated a status at BBM, he wrote a bad words and i just like "WTH?!!"

i started to chat with him, i told him to be patient and no need to say bad words. he thank me! wew..
Then he ask my full name and he asked my class, we chat for a day.

#Day2 (18 December)
He woke me up by texted me "Good Morning Felis :)"
What a surprising word! No one ever text that to me. Well, he asked "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"
And i feel awkward, why this guy so care with me. We keep chatting till 12 am midnight.

#Day3(19 December)
He asked who the person i like. And i just think "we just chat for 3 days and you asked my secret? wtf"
I told him that i like a person,grade 9, named Ricky. And he just like "ohh, damn"
He finally told me that he liked me, and i was shocked! i dont believe it!

#Day4 (20 December)
We chat for a day and finally i got the same feeling with him too. I also liked him. At night,20.00 WIB, he shoot me! and i died(?) LOL!

yeahh... since that time i got the first lesson..

-based on true story-


8B true story LOL

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012, Darma Yudha kedatangan tamu, Anthony the illusionist =))
biasanya illusionist itu menghipnotis org pake jam, nahh~ illusionist ini rare banget yah!
salah satu teman kita, Feby eliana, di hipnotis oleh sang illusionist memakai sebuah semangka yg dicucuk koin 500 perak dan diikat dengan tali plastik =D

Pada hari Rabu, 12 Desember 2012, kelas 8B mengadakan sharing food besar2an.
dan pada saat itu, murid cowonya kbnykan lg tanding basket, jd kami ga  mungkin memulai sharing food tanpa mereka.
nah, pada siang yg bolong tepat jam 11.30, felicia, gaby, finna, antony dan ms christina lagi iseng nyusung gelas plastik setinggi tinggi mungkin. yah, walau kadang susunannya jatuh, tapi kami tidak pernah menyerah! #asekk...
dan pada saat penyusunan gelas plastik, antony kelaparan, dia mngambil sebungkus makanan dan dimakan dengan rakus XD
tuh,, bisa liat sndiri gambarnya :)

dan pemirsa, lihatlah kutu buku kita..
WWE champion,,,,,,, YIEN!!!!!
di siang hari kami lg sibuk nyusun gelas plastik,, ehh si yien asyik baca komik -_____-
ketawa ketiwi sendiri pula tuh x_x
#autismdetected    #eh?!


Final Test 1 2012/2013

Kevin dan Leonel suka sekali mengejek Shania dengan sebutan yang aneh2.
Tadi pas final test, tanggal 3 desember 2012,, Kevin mengejek klo Shania suka sama Sr. Fajar, guru musik kita ^^. kan mata sr fajar suka kedip2, sambil ngajar. hahah lucuuu -_-

ada yg tau koikoi itu siapa? ^o^v
koikoi adalah anak kls 8B yg kece abis, suka sama cewe yg juara 5 berpostur tubuh lebih tinggi dari si koikoi.
koikoi kadang nyebelin krna ketawanya yg gaje-_-.

tadi sr niko, guru science kami, tiba2 nulis di papan tulis klo ujian science dibatalkan, suara kami meledak sampai keluar karena senang, lalu sir juga tulis kalo kita besok bawa pensil warna/krayon, kami makin semangat, ehh,,, ternya kata2 cancel exam itu supaya menarik perhatian kita utk baca aja,, dasar orang barat -_-v


My Class

I had studied in Darma Yudha for 3 years, and one of my favorite class is 8B! The people is quite good, so i feel easy to make friends. One of my friend from that class, I like him :$
The kece people ---> kevin,selvanus,violanda,esther,arvin,richard w.,leonel,,, and celine yang also of course ^^
So, visit our class yah!
follow our twitter


Mandarin Class

I liked mandarin before my previous teacher named Laoshi Li Gai Ru moved back to China.When a new teacher named Laoshi Elisa Deng changed her place, actually, my friends weren't really looked happy. We haven't adapted with our new mandarin teacher. When she taught us for the first time, one of my friend named *fang shi yuan* mad to her and complained about the way she taught isn't really good as our old teacher. We studied with her about 1 month, and they still didn't liked her, actually she is a good teacher, although her teaching's way we don't like. She said that we are already big enough, our exam's question type can't be same as primary school's question type.
Then, one of my friend named *situxindi* and *linqingqing*talk a lot, very much, until Laoshi Elisa angry, the she said '' ni men liao de hao ma? hai xiang zai liao tian ma?"
oh,, man.. That's a very terrible word!
One day, *phujiuping*,*linqiaohui*and*cita* want to go to Binarasa. She don't let us go there, she said we are allowed to go there if our form teacher gave her a *suratizin*. *phujiuping* looks really angry and she said " udahlah laoshi, Laoshi nih loso kali!!!"
actually, I'm a little bit agree with *phujiuping* because we go there for one reason, we are too lazy for study -_-v.

sorry, I'd sensor the name. peace ^V^